A Street Divided Page 30
21.“Jerusalem Area—Abu Tor—Construction Between the Lines,” unsigned memo, Israel-Jordan Mixed Armistice Commission, February 11, 1966, Jerusalem, UN Archives.
22.“One-Sided Investigation of Jordan Complaint No. M-91,” memo from Maj. J. C. Jenkins and Capt. C. Bernard to Chairman, HJK-I-MAC, February 28, 1966, Israel-Jordan Mixed Armistice Commission, Jerusalem, UN Archives.
23.“Second Session of Emergency Meeting No. 420,” March 8, 1966, Israel-Jordan Mixed Armistice Commission, Jerusalem, UN Archives.
26.“Fourth Session of Emergency Meeting No. 420,” March 14, 1966, Israel-Jordan Mixed Armistice Commission, Jerusalem, UN Archives.
27.Uzi Narkiss, The Liberation of Jerusalem (London: Valentine Mitchell, 1983), 35.
29.“100,000 Trees for Jerusalem Border,” Jerusalem Post, August 15, 1957.
30.“Report by the Acting Chief of Staff to the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization in Palestine,” September 24, 1957, Jordan-Israel Mixed Armistice Commission, Jerusalem, UN Archives.
32.“Text of Complaint by the Jordanian Delegation,” July 24, 1957, Jordan-Israel Mixed Armistice Commission, Jerusalem, UN Archives.
33.Yossi Katz, “Israeli Tree Planting in the Armon Hanatziv (the former British Government House) Area in the Summer of 1957,” (unpublished manuscript, March 2015), provided to author by Jewish National Fund.
42.“Verbatim Record of the 787th Meeting,” September 6, 1957, UN Security Council, New York, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.
45.“Verbatim Record of the 788th Meeting,” September 6, 1957, UN Security Council, New York, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.
50.Shalom Israel Tours website, http://shalomisraeltours.com/peace-forest/.
Chapter Two: Father of the Bull
1.W. Besant and E. H. Palmer, Jerusalem, the City of Herod and Saladin (London: Committee of the Palestine Exploration Fund), 433.
2.Doron Oren, personal research.
9.Atria Winchester, “Creativity on the Cusp,” Jerusalem Post, March 25, 2005.
11.“Two More Held for Flat-Jumping,” Jerusalem Post, July 20, 1967.
12.“High Court Throws Out Flat-Jumpers Claims,” Jerusalem Post, July 21, 1967.
Chapter Three: The Martyrs
1.Memo from UN Operations Officer to Chairman of Jordan-Israel Mixed Armistice Commission, November 7, 1957, UN Archives and Records Center, New York City, New York.
3.Oded Shalom and Gideon Maron, “And in Its Center, a Transparent Wall,” Yedioth Ahronoth, April 23, 2007.
10.“48th MAC Meeting,” February 12, 1951, Jordan-Israel Mixed Armistice Commission, Transcript, Jerusalem, UN Archives.
16.Raphael Israeli, Jerusalem Divided: The Armistice Regime, 1947–1967 (London: Frank Cass & Co., 2002), 56.
17.“High Court Throws Out Flat-Jumpers Claims,” Jerusalem Post, July 21, 1967.
18.“Israel Declines to Study Rabin Tie to Beatings,” New York Times, July 12, 1990.
19.Herb Keinon, “Baum Appointment Draws Protests, Praise Tough New Commander in Abu Tor,” Jerusalem Post, December 8, 1989.
22.Stephen Franklin, “Uprising Shattering Jerusalem’s Dream of Coexistence,” Chicago Tribune, January 14, 1990.
23.Keinon, “Baum Appointment Draws Protests.”
26.Franklin, “Uprising Shattering Jerusalem’s Dream of Coexistence.”
30.“Flurry of Meetings Seek to End Israeli-Palestinian Fighting,” CNN.com, September 26, 1996.
31.Eitan Felner, “Playing with Fire on the Temple Mount,” B’Tselem, December 1996, http://www.btselem.org/publications/summaries/199612_playing_with_fire.
37.Bill Delaney, “Proximity, History Bind Jerusalem Israelis, Arabs,” CNN.com, September 29, 1996.
40.Said Ghazali, “Palestinians and Israelis Live Under Fragile Coexistence,” Associated Press, September 28, 1996.
42.Suzanne Goldberg, “Rioting as Sharon Visits Islam Holy Site,” Guardian (UK), September 28, 2000.
46.David Rohde, “Mideast Turmoil: Jerusalem; Israelis Seek to Build Physical Barrier in West Bank,” New York Times, May 7, 2002.
48.Deal Hudson, “A City Divided: How Israel’s Wall Is Splitting the Holy Land,” Crisis Magazine, January 10, 2005, http://www.crisismagazine.com/2005/a-city-divided-how-israels-wall-is-splitting-the-holy-land.
Chapter Four: The Settlers
1.“Immigration to Israel: Operation Magic Carpet—Airlift of Yemenite Jews,” http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Immigration/carpet.html.
2.Naomi E. Pasachoff and Robert J. Littman, A Concise History of the Jewish People (New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2005), 301.
3.Martin Gilbert, In Ishmael’s House: A History of Jews in Muslim Lands (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 2010).
4.Colin Shindler, A History of Modern Israel (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press 2008), 63.
5.Rhona D. Seidelman, “Encounters in an Israeli Line: Sha’ar Ha-’aliyah, March 1950,” AJS Perspectives (Fall 2014).
6.Rhona D. Seidelman, “Conflicts of Quarantine: The Case of Jewish Immigrants to the Jewish State,” American Journal of Public Health (February 2012).
7.Seidelman, “Encounters in an Israeli Line.”
8.Abraham Rabinovich, “No Politics Are Talked in Abu Tor,” Jerusalem Post, May 16, 1969.
11.“One-sided Investigation of Israel Complaint No. M-425 dated 24 September 1966,” September 30, 1966, Jordan-Israel Mixed Armistice Commission, Jerusalem, UN Archives and Records Center, New York City, New York.
16.Rabinovich, “No Politics Are Talked in Abu Tor.”
19.Abraham Rabinovich, The Battle for Jerusalem: June 5–7, 1967 (Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1972), 91.
novich, “No Politics Are Talked in Abu Tor.”
25.Ma’ale Adumim City Stats, http://machat.co.il/news/maale-adumim-stats/.
26.Uzi Narkiss, The Liberation of Jerusalem (London: Valentine Mitchell, 1983), 35.
27.Eyal Weizman, Hollow Land: Israel’s Architecture of Occupation (London: Verso, 2007), 114.
28.The Old Testament, Joshua 6:21.
Chapter Five: The Collaborator
1.“Fatwa from Religious Scholars of Palestine, 1935,” http://www.muslim-lawyers.net/research/index.php3?aktion=show&number=58.
3.Associated Press, “Firing Squads Killed Alleged Collaborators,” USA Today, January 13, 2001.
4.Saleh Abdel Jawad, “The Classification and Recruitment of Collaborators,” The Issue of Collaborators in Palestine, PASSIA, March 2001.
Chapter Six: The Peaceniks
1.“What is Reiki?” International Center for Reiki Training, www.reiki.org.
2.Timothy Egan, “A Conscience Haunted by a Radical’s Crime,” New York Times, September 17, 1993.
3.Alexander Marquardt and Bruno Nota, “Israeli PM Calls Killers of Three Israeli Teens ‘Human Animals,’” ABCNews.com, June 30, 2014.
4.Itamar Sharon, “Abu Khdeir Murder Suspect Gives Chilling Account of Killing,” Times of Israel, August 12, 2014.
5.“Bereaved Mother Offers Condolences to Slain Arab Teen’s Family,” Times of Israel, July 7, 2014.
8.Daniel K. Eisenbud, “Jewish Abu Tor Residents See Spike in Arab Violence,” Jerusalem Post, July, 28, 2014.
10.“Assassin Was a Serial Arsonist, Assaulted 3 Wardens in Prison,” Ynetnews.com, October 30, 2014.
Chapter Seven: The Good Arab
1.Jerusalem International YMCA website, YMCA.org.il.
2.“A New Narrative,” YMCA mission statement, http://ymca.org.il/about-us/ceos-view/.
3.“Making Connections Across Cultures,” YouTube video, 4:04, posted by Brandeis University, August 9, 2011, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hp8FWNCYANo.
6.“Leftist MKs Blast Eitam’s Statements on Arabs, Urge AG to Investigate,” Haaretz, September 11, 2006.
7.“If Israel’s Arab Citizens Indeed Are a ‘Demographic Bomb,’ Can It Be Diffused?” JTA.org, December 22, 2003.
8.“Lieberman Calls Arab MKs Who Meet with Hamas ‘Collaborators,’” Jerusalem Post, May 4, 2006.
9.Jack Moore, “Lieberman Is ‘Jewish ISIS’ Says Israeli Politician after Beheading Comments,” Newsweek, March 10, 2015.
10.Moshe Cohen, “Lieberman: Disloyal Arab-Israelis ‘Should Be Beheaded,’” Arutz Sheva, March 8, 2015.
Chapter Eight: The Architects of Division
1.Natasha Mozgovaya, “Would East Jerusalem Arabs Rather Be Citizens of Israel or Palestine?” Haaretz, January 13, 2011.
“100,000 Trees for Jerusalem Border.” Jerusalem Post. August 15, 1957.
Amichai, Yehuda. Poems of Jerusalem and Love Poems. New York: Sheep Meadow Press, 1988.
Bennike, Maj. Gen. Vagn. Letter to UN Security Council. UN Truce Supervision Organization, December 12, 1953, Jerusalem. UN Archives and Records Center, New York City, New York.
Benvenisti, Meron. City of Stone: The Hidden History of Jerusalem. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1996.
“Betrothal in No-Man’s-Land.” Jerusalem Post. November 15, 1956.
“Couple Married in No-Man’s-Land.” Jerusalem Post. September 14, 1956.
Felner, Eitan. “Playing with Fire on the Temple Mount.” B’Tselem, December 1996, http://www.btselem.org/publications/summaries/199612_playing_with_fire.
Franklin, Stephen. “Uprising Shattering Jerusalem’s Dream of Coexistence.” Chicago Tribune, January 14, 1990.
“High Court Throws Out Flat-Jumpers Claims.” Jerusalem Post. July 21, 1967.
Hudson, Deal. “A City Divided: How Israel’s Wall Is Splitting the Holy Land.” Crisis Magazine, January 10, 2005, http://www.crisismagazine.com/2005/a-city-divided-how-israels-wall-is-splitting-the-holy-land.
“Husband Cools Off in No Man’s Land.” Jerusalem Post. August 16, 1959.
Hutchison, E. H. Violent Truce: A Military Observer Looks at the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1951–1955. New York: The Devin-Adir Company, 1956.
Israeli, Raphael. Jerusalem Divided: The Armistice Regime, 1947–1967. London: Frank Cass & Co., 2002.
“Jordan Yields Wrong Sheep.” Jerusalem Post. February 11, 1958.
Katz, Yossi. “Israeli Tree Planting in the Armon Hanatziv (the former British Government House) Area in the Summer of 1957.” Unpublished manuscript, March 2015. Provided to author by Jewish National Fund.
Keinon, Herb. “Baum Appointment Draws Protests, Praise Tough New Commander in Abu Tor.” Jerusalem Post, December 8, 1989.
Narkiss, Uzi. The Liberation of Jerusalem. London: Valentine Mitchell, 1983.
New York Times News Service. “Nuns Recover Dentures from No Man’s Land.” Milwaukee Journal, May 23, 1956.
Reports, Jordan-Israel Mixed Armistice Commission, UN Archives and Records Center, New York City, New York.
Rabinovich, Abraham. The Battle for Jerusalem: June 5–7, 1967. The Jewish Publication Society of America, 1972.
Transcripts, UN Security Council Meetings, September 6, 1957, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
“Two More Held for Flat-Jumping.” Jerusalem Post. July 20, 1967.
Weizman, Eyal. Hollow Land: Israel’s Architecture of Occupation. London: Verso, 2007.
A UN copy of the cease-fire lines through Jerusalem’s Abu Tor neighborhood, as drawn with grease pencils by Israeli general Moshe Dayan (left, in red) and Jordanian officer Abdullah El-Tell (right, in green) in 1948. Modern-day Assael Street runs through the middle of the two lines. Photo by Dion Nissenbaum.
A French officer holding a white flag and an Israeli soldier watch in May 1956 as nuns from a French hospital in West Jerusalem search for a patient’s dentures that had fallen from a window overlooking No Man’s Land. Photo by David Rubinger.
Israeli and Jordanian officials set up a makeshift court in No Man’s Land north of Jerusalem in May 1957 to decide the fate of cows that farmers on both sides of the border claimed were theirs. Photo by David Rubinger.
Photograph from the UN investigation in September 1966 into the return of the Yaghmour family to No Man’s Land. Malka Joudan, an Iranian immigrant to Israel whose house on the edge of modern-day Assael Street is identified by the faint arrow, called to alert officials to the Palestinian family’s return. Photo via UN Archives and Records Management Section.
A UN photo from 1966 shows No Man’s Land in Abu Tor from the Jordanian side. This photo was part of a UN investigation into the Yaghmour family’s return to their home between the barbed wire separating Israel and Jordan. Photo courtesy UN Archives and Records Management Section.
A Scottish officer working for the United Nations and an Israeli paratrooper lead a joint Israeli-Jordanian medical team tossing poisoned meat in No Man’s Land in December 1957, along the “Barbed Wire Alley” that later became Assael Street in Jerusalem. Photo by David Rubinger.
Palestinian residents of Abu Tor, Jerusalem, march off for questioning by Israeli soldiers at the end of the June 1967 war. Photo by Shimshon Jacoby.
Members of the Joudan family gather with other neighbors outside their Abu Tor home right above No Man’s Land at the end of the June 19
67 war. An Israeli soldier keeps an eye out for Israeli looters carrying stuff from Palestinian homes in No Man’s Land. Photo by Shimshon Jacoby.
Israeli and Palestinian boys play pool at a lower Abu Tor community center some time after the 1967 war. Photo by Shimshon Jacoby.
Eid Yaghmour (left) serves tea to Haim Machsomi (right) on Assael Street in May 1969 after the barbed wire came down and the men were able to shake hands for the first time. “We are happy to be pioneers in bringing together the hearts of the two people,” Haim wrote in a petition at the time for better city services. Photo courtesy Werner Braun/Jerusalem Post.
A sign in Hebrew, Arabic and English marks the beginning of Assael Street. People who live here disagree on where the street gets its name and how to spell it in English. Photo by Dion Nissenbaum.
Nawal and Zakaria Bazlamit stand outside their home on Assael Street in 2007. Until 1967, their property marked the edge of No Man’s Land with Israel. Photo by Katherine Kiviat.
Rachel Machsomi talks to visitors at her home in the West Bank settlement of Ma’ale Adumim. Rachel and her late husband Haim were some of the first people to move to the edge of No Man’s Land on what became Assael Street. Photo by Seema Jilani.
Marchers carrying Israeli flags and weapons walk down Assael Street in June 2008 to celebrate Jerusalem Day, a national holiday to commemorate Israel taking control of all of Jerusalem in 1967. Photo by Dion Nissenbaum.
Alisa Maeir-Epstein (right) stands in front of her house in 2007 with Asaway Bazlamit, one of the girls who lived across the way on Assael Street. Photo by Katherine Kiviat.
Khaled Rishek takes a break in the West Jerusalem YMCA, where he works full time. As part of his work, Khaled serves as dialogue supervisor for an Arab-Jewish youth choir that is based at the YMCA. Photo by Seema Jilani.
Amjad Rishek sorts through stacks of papers documenting his long fight with Jerusalem over his family home on Assael Street. He has spent years trying to prevent the city from demolishing their house. Photo by Seema Jilani.